With the exception of the first picture, this week I am focusing on larger sculptural works my students and I created at this years exhibition at Qdos Gallery in Lorne. The works are each designed by an individual but created with the collaborative assistance of others. 

The first ikebana, in the gallery foyer, for the current exhibition is this arrangement of two orchid flowers and three magnolia leaves in a unique vessel created by Graeme Wilkie. He has created flower shapes in clay that sit in holes in a ceramic slab. The slab is supported on acrylic pillars as the 'flower stems' protrude below the slab. To create a sense of lightness and space Christine Denmead has left half of the ceramic flowers empty.

In this next work Helen Quarrell has used another of Graeme Wilkie's ceramic slabs to create a large sculptural piece, using olive wood branches from her garden and highlighted with two triangles of yellow fabric. It looks simple but we spent most of the first day creating the piece.

Ellie Welkamp created this sculptural work below using poplar branches. She has emphasised the shape of the vessel by reflecting it with more poplar branches in the piece on the wall behind.

This work uses 'tumble weed' gathered by my student Maureen Duffy and is also arranged by Ellie Welkamp on a large ceramic 'pebble'. A great feeling of movement and lightness was achieved.

Christine Denmead made this sculptural work using branches of a large tree from her garden that are covered with greeny-gold lichen (I think it is a Maple). The two principal lines on the left echo the left hand curve of the large ceramic sculpture by Graeme Wilkie. 

This close-up image shows the lichen on the branches and the fern-like curl at the top of the sculpture.

The large ceramic sculpture below with its wave like top inspired me to make this angular arrangement of birch branches on the left that shoot out from the curl of the wave in straight lines on the right. 

Greetings from Christopher 
29th September 2012

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